*Weeds: Vinegar & lemon juice
*Carpet stains: 3 tablespoons dish soap, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon ammonia, 3/4 cup water, mix to foamy consistancy and use only the foam on carpet
*Clothing stains: automotive hand cleaner (white)
*Silver: 1 tablespoon water softner, 1 tablespoon salt. Mix in hot water in either a foil pan or place in glass pan with foil on the bottom. (Foil must touch the silver)
*Flies outside: Mint oil, chewing gum or crushed mint leaves
*Ink on clothes: Spray heavy with hair spray (soak) then rub with bar soap and rinse in cold water
*Scuff marks on the floor: Toothpaste
*Markers: Spray with hair spray heavily and wipe up
*Sneakers: Ammonia in spray bottle, spray on sneakers and wipe off
*Grass stains on clothes: Spray ammonia then rub with toothbrush and rinse in cold water
*Pet Hair: Rub with rubber glove
*Faucets: Wet cloth with vinegar
*White patio furniture: Bleach and dish soap
*Storage: Fill black trash bag, wrap end tight around vacuum and suck out air
*Tubs: Make a paste of cream of tartar with hydrogen peroxide and clean stains out of tubs and sinks
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